project references

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Mid Term Evaluation of Project “Prepaid Energy – Rent to own solar home systems (off-grid)”


Close-to-market (C2M) services for LIFE funded projects

DEM is partnering with EY and other European advisors to assist innovative companies that are leading the way for a sustainable transition into a greener economy...


EU support to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA)

The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the exchange of experiences and dialogues between South African and European energy-related stakeholders concerning the unbundling of South Africa's energy sector and the introduction of a wholesale electricity market.


Technical assistance for the Operationalisation of the Super-ESCO in Morocco

Technical assistance has been set up to support the full operationalisation of the Moroccan Societe D'Ingenierie Energetique (SIE) in its new form as a Super-ESCO, to accompany the first achievements of the SIE under its new identity as a service company.


Capacity Building, ESCO/EPC, Financing & Investment, Sector Studies, Sustainability

Technical advisory services for the greening of digital infrastructure in Mozambique and Madagascar

The general objective of the assignment is to support the World Bank, the Government of Mozambique and the Government of Madagascar to facilitate the use of green energy solutions for digital connectivity and services, as well as supporting the development of an enabling environment for the use...


Policy & Regulation, Sustainability

Central project evaluation of the project “Promoting the development of a Green Hydrogen Economy for South Africa”

The evaluation approach is results-based and centered on usability and to promote sustainable development. GIZ evaluations are independent, conducted by external evaluation teams, steered by a corporate unit to deliver evidence-based findings, and generate recommendations, increase transparency and


Central project evaluation - Deliverables: Inception report, evaluation report, presentations, drafting of specific formats for publication of results.

Central Project Evaluation: Climate Smart Buildings, India

The evaluation approach is results-based and centered on usability and to promote sustainable development. GIZ evaluations are independent, conducted by external evaluation teams, steered by a corporate unit to deliver evidence-based findings, and generate recommendations.


Central project evaluation: Deliverables: Inception report, evaluation report, presentations, drafting of specific formats for publication of results.

Review of Applicants for the Cogen for Africa Project Grants for Feasibility/Engineering Studies


Financing & Investment. Sector Studies. Sustainability.

Industry GHG Reduction to support implementation of Thailand’s climate change master plan for GGGI


M&E. Program Identification & Evaluation. Sustainability.

Establishment of South Africa’s Carbon Offset Administration and Reporting System


Capacity Building. Financing & Investment. Program Identification & Formulation.

IFU Investment Fund for Developing Countries Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance

The Saidabad III project objectives are to provide water for about 4.5 million people including the poor and disadvantaged in Dhaka's low-income communities. Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF) will provide loan financing for Component 2.


Technical Assistance to DSIF Process Consultancy Service. Critical review and commenting on various documents (Outline Design Report, Project Overview Report, Raw Water Management Plan, Sludge Treatment and Disposal, Pre-qualification Documents, Tender Documents, etc.).

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Public Sector (REEEPublic) – Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Ghana

The REEEPublic project is more strongly oriented towards improving the framework conditions for RE and EE. It promotes RE and EE in order to reduce the energy costs of public institutions and it will support decision-makers and administrations at national, regional and district level.


Capacity Building. M&E. Programme Identification & Formulation. Sector Studies. Sustainability.

Consultancy Services for the Preparation of 1) a new Building Control Bill, 2) a Building Code for Energy Efficiency 3) regulations to the Building Act and 4) a Compliance Mechanism


Capacity Building. Sector Studies.

Building Energy Efficiency Opportunities Study

The objective of the assignment is to identify opportunities for EE&C opportunities in commercial, residential and public sector buildings and make recommendations for policies and investments that could be initiated by NEECA or other government agencies, including the provincial energy depts...


Financing & Investment. Policy & Regulation. Sector Studies

Green development pathways and jobs for Atewa Forest in Ghana

The project's objective is to contribute to sustaining and strengthening the resource and ecosystem services provision capacities of Atewa Forest and other forests in Ghana by identifying green development pathways and green jobs and businesses that are viable alternatives to bauxite mining.


Capacity Building. Sector Studies.

Further development, update, maintenance and application of the Energy Access Market Development (EAMD) Scorecard

Energy Access programs primarily aim at providing modern energy services – cooking and/or electricity - to the energy-poor. In order to subsequently do so sustainably, in parallel the context in which these services are provided must be strengthened, ensuring after-sales service, maintenance...


M&E. Sustainability.

Long-Term Low-carbon and Climate Resilient Strategy (LTS) in Jordan

The objective of this assignment is to support the Government of Jordan (GoJ) with the development of the comprehensive LTS 2050 document and support all the processes needed for the adoption of the LTS 2050 document and submission to UNFCCC.


Capacity Building. Policy & Regulation. Programme Identification & Formulation. Sector Studies. Sustainability

Climate Resilient Asset Implementation & Management Guide for the Ghana SREP Mini-Grid & Net Metering Project

The African Development Bank and the Government of Ghana through the Ghana SREPInvestment plan intend to develop hybrid renewable energy mini-grid electricity systems, standalone solar PV systems, and roof-mounted net-metered solar PV systems for the Lakeside and Island communities in the Volta...


Sector Studies.

Review of the Norwegian support to Clean Cooking Alliance, 2019-2021

Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) cooperates with a global network of partners to build an industry making clean cooking accessible to the 2,4 billion people living without it, every day. Norad is considering continuing to provide support to CCA but wishes to conduct a review of the current funding...


Financing & Investment. M&E. Sector Studies. Sustainability.

Technical assistance in support of the coordination and implementation of Team Europe Initiatives in Côte d'Ivoire

The aim of the project is to improve the effectiveness of European action1 in Côte d'Ivoire while promoting the cross-cutting objectives of the European Commission (environment and climate change, rights-based approach, rights of people with disabilities, rights of indigenous peoples and gender...


Policy & Regulation. Program Identification & Formulation.

Oceanian Regional Project of the Territories for the Sustainable Management of Ecosystems (PROTEGE)


Sector Studies. Sustainability.

Technical Assistance for Uzbekistan Energy Efficiency Loan

The Project’s overall objective is to support the country’s sector reforms, by improving the energy efficiency (EE) in energy-intensive industries, thus contributing toward affordable and clean energy and climate action. By saving demand for electricity and heat, Sub-Projects reduce carbon...


Financing & Investment. M&E.

Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA) Due Diligence

The objective of MCFA is to accelerate access to modern, higher-tier clean cooking services (“CCS”) for urban and peri-urban consumers in six countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (the “Project Countries”).


Financing & Investment. M&E. Sector Studies. Sustainability.

Development of Green Building Standards for Zimbabwe

The objective of this technical assistance is to introduce green building standards for enhanced energy efficiency in three building types (residential buildings, office buildings, and commercial complexes) and introduce effective mechanisms for their operationalization.


Policy & Regulalation. Sustainability.

Circular Economy - Promotion of Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns in Ukraine

To contribute to rendering the Ukrainian economy modern, clean, resource-efficient and competitive, with economic growth decoupled from resource use, and citizens' health and well-being protected from environment-related risks and impacts.


Financing & Investment. M&E. Sector Studies. Sustainability.

Mapping of the Energy Sector and identification of focus sub-sectors for support by Danida Business Finance and Partnerships Programme, Vietnam

The overall objective of the study was to provide an in-depth overview of the energy sector in Vietnam, including policy environment, opportunities, risks, and financing gaps/challenges, identification and assessment of future sub-sector focus for the Danida Business Partnerships and Finance...


Programme Identification and Formulation, Sector Studies, Financing and Investment

Environmental Support Programme II, Component II: Energy Efficiency in Industrial, Commercial and Public Sector (EINCOPS)

The Environmental Support Programme was the second phase of a comprehensive Danida supported initiative in Indonesia. The programme aimed to improve sustainable environmental management in support of livelihoods in Indonesia. This project covered component 2 of the second phase, which focused on...


Building EE Code, Policy & Regulations, Sector Studies, Capacity Building

Regional Energy Planning Project

The Asian Development Bank approved the provision of capacity development technical assistance for Institutional Strengthening of National Energy Management Committee in Energy Policy and Planning to the Government of Myanmar to strengthen the ability of the National Energy Management Committee...


Policy & Regulations, Sector Studies

Final evaluation of three institutional cooperation (ICI) projects in Vietnam

The main rationale of this evaluation was to provide objective information to the MFA about the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of three ICI projects, and to give guidance on the use of this instrument in the transition phase in Vietnam from bilateral development cooperation to wider...


M&E, Sector Studies

Power Sector Reform Program - Vietnam

One of the biggest challenges of the Vietnamese power sector is to ensure long-term, competitively priced, adequate electricity supply to meet demand growing at high annual rates. To date, Vietnam has been successful in carrying out centralized power system planning, which makes possible to...


Sector Studies, Policy & Regulation

Energy Efficiency optimization of Public Buildings (CEDEPI)

Central Denmark Energy Planning and Investment – also known as CeDEPI – is supported by the European Investment Bank (EIB) with the resources for consultation and preparation of investments into energy efficiency optimizations in the Region of Central Jutland and 11 of the region’s municipalities.


Financing and Investment, ESCO and EPC

District Heating Business Strategy

This opportunity takes place within the context of the EU funding application for the Romanian Large Infrastructure Operational programme 2014-2020 (LIOP), by the Romanian Municipalities - Oradea, Timisoara, Ramnicu Valcea, Botosani, Focsani, Bacau and Iasi – for the implementation and...


Financing & Investment

Integrated Resource Planning with Strategic Environmental Assessment for Sustainable Power Sector Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Demand for energy, and particularly electricity, across the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)has risen strongly, often at a faster rate pace than economic growth. ‍The growing demand for electricity will require a major expansion of the power system.


Sector Studies, Environmental Assessment

Municipal Energy Investment Project in Egedal Municipality, Denmark

Egedal Municipality has launched the program "Ready for the future", which will ensure that the municipality continues to provide financial space through planned efficiency improvements over the coming years. At the same time, streamlining needs to form a solid foundation, so that the...


Financing and Investment, ESCO and EPC

Energy renovation project AA+ of 100 day-care institutions

This project was part of the Aarhus Municipality ambitious goal of reducing CO2 emissions to achieve the municipality's overall goal of being CO2-neutral by 2030. DEM performed total consultancy for Aarhus Municipality in connection with energy renovation of 100 properties...


Financing and Investment, ESCO and EPC

Contribution of Investment Projects to the European Security Initiative - Cyber Security

Technical assistance to the European investment Bank (EIB) to support its efforts to step up its contribution to Europe’s security under a new major initiative – European Security Initiative (ESI). The Bank is required to demonstrate EUR 2 billion per year of security related investments...


Financing & Investment

Visibility Support and Technical Expertise to Oversight the Implementation of the "EU for Digital in Armenia" Project

The Government of Armenia is determined to develop different e-applications in the country and already has registered significant progress in this field. The main purpose of introduction of e-Governance systems in Armenia is to transform the way in which the Government interacts with citizens...


Communication & Visibility

Technical Assistance to support Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Nauru

The global objective of this assignment is to provide adequate support to the Planning and Aid Division (PAD) in the Ministry of Finance and to the Nauru Utilities Corporation (NUC) for the implementation of the activities related...


Policy & Regulations, Sector Studies

Municipal Finance Study on Energy, Climate & Environment Sectors in Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries

Eastern partnership countries (EAPs) are increasingly taking initiatives to define and implement actions in the areas of energy efficiency, climate mitigation and urban planning. ‍An indicator for this is the strong interest of local authorities (LAs) to join EU’s trademark initiative in...


Financing and Investment, Sector Studies

Enhancement and Extension of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy - Centralised Energy Database to include the Energy Consumption Data and Modalities of the Energy Efficiency Target Monitoring System

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) is mandated in terms of the Energy Act (Act 34 of 2008) to collect and analyse energy use data, as well as information on energy efficiency improvements. To this end, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy is in the process of...



Social Housing Association’s Energy Efficiency Process Planning and Investments (HAPPI)

DEM is one of the main partners in the granted EU HAPPI project, in which the project consortium includes the 6 common housing associations as well as DEM, Project Zero and EUC Syd. The overall purpose of the HAPPI project is to increase the energy renovation frequency in the social housing...


Financing and Investment, ESCO and EPC

Etude de faisabilité pour le projet de lignes de transport de la région de Kayes, Mali

The Government of the Republic of Mali has requested Danida Business Finance (DBF) for the financing of the project to connect the industrial and mining units in the Kayes region on the interconnected power grid. The Kayes region in the south-western part of Mali has a vast potential for...


Feasibility Study, Sector Studies

Process support, identification and formulation of a Danish-Ethiopian climate- and energy cooperation programme

The Ethiopian power sector is expanding at an unprecedented rate in an effort to support strong, broad-based economic growth averaging approx. 10% per year. To accommodate this transformation, substantial investments and reforms in the energy sector are needed. Not least to address the key...


Programme Identification and Formulation, Policy & Regulations

Monitoring, Evaluation and Verification Manual Development

GIZ's energy projects in Ethiopia supports the improvement of access to modern energy services in Ethiopia. The EnDev Global Partnership, which is currently financed by six donor countries: the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden is among the largest projects...


M&E, Sector Studies

Energising Development (EnDev) Phase Out Country Study - Indonesia Exit Evaluation

Energising Development (EnDev) promotes sustainable access to modern energy services – electricity and cooking – for households, social institutions and micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries in Sub-Sahara Africa, Asia and Latin America. EnDev is a multi-donor...


M&E, Sector Studies

Energy Efficient Building Refurbishment in Mongolia

The project objective is: The governance capacity of Ulaanbaatar Municipality for the integration of energy efficiency in the construction sector is strengthened. Services we provided were focused on meeting the required high methodical quality standards of GIZ central project evaluations it is...


M&E, Sector Studies

District Heating Business Strategy

The purpose of the Assignment is to assist the EIB PAS Team in their support to MA LIOP and the Beneficiaries of European Funded Projects in the District Heating Sector (Local Authorities and Operators of District Heating Systems) for the selected 4 Municipalities of Timisoara, Ramnicu Valcea...


Financing & Investment

Multi Study Agreement for the EnDev Phase Out Country (POC): Exit and Ex-Post

EnDev promotes energy access in developping countries, and DEM has completed ex-post and exit studies to assess the longer term impact and sustaianbility...


M&E, Sector Studies

Development of a publication "Primer on Zero Carbon Buildings" with recommendations on how to move towards Zero Carbon Buildings in low- and middle-income countries

The objective of the assignment is to produce a primer on ZCBs (Zero Carbon Buildings) that provides the WBG, its clients (low- and middle-income countries), and other key stakeholders with insights and recommendations on how to shift towards ZCBs in WBG and client government projects and...


Sector Studies

Technical Assistance to prepare Public Sector Digital Transformation in Armenia

The main objective of this TA operation is to assist the EIB in preparing Public Sector Digital Transformation in Armenia that meets the EIB requirements for financing, and pre-identify beneficiary public administrations and sub-projects before finance contract signature in order to improve...


Policy & Regulations

Formulation Mission of a Regional Programme on Ocean in West Africa

The global objective of the assignment is to support the formulation of a regional initiative in West Africa to support and boost sustainable regional ocean governance and management. The specific objective of this assignment is to prepare all the necessary elements of a draft Action Document...


Programme Identification and Formulation

Review EnDev Monitoring Correction Factors

The objective of this assignment was to develop a standardized methodology/approach for EnDev to determine country- and technology specific values for each of these three factors (Additionality, Attribution and Sustainability) at higher aggregated level, and for all three factors to see if Energy...


Sector Studies, M&E

Design of the Annual Action Programme 2023, Zimbabwe

The global objective of this contract is ‘to contribute to the effective implementation of the MIP 2021-2027’. The specific objective of this assignment is to support the European Union Delegation to Zimbabwe in the identification and formulation of a comprehensive and coherent Annual Action...


Programme Identification and Formulation, Policy & Regulations

Energy efficiency and sustainable transition to the Turkish textile sector using Danish technology UTG Canicas pilot case

The assignment, issued by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Tarde Council of Turkey, requires the Consultant to make a detailed mapping of the potential for energy-savings based on Danish technology in an industrial textile company UTG Canicas with approximately...


ESCO and EPC, Capacity Building

Technical Assistance for Projects related to biofuels, biomass and biochar

The overall objective of the Assignment is to assist the EIB with the activities of the IF PDA for projects related to biofuels, biomass and biochar under the 2021 call of the Innovation Fund for Small-Scale (SSC) projects.


Sector Studies, Financing & Investment

Good Practices for LGU Energy Efficiency and Small Renewables

The Philippines is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Cities must adapt to climate change and mitigate future impacts by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In 2021, the Philippines government announced its climate targets in the Nationally Determined Contribution...


Policy & Regulations, Sector Studies, Capacity Building

Support for EnDev Portfolio Review and Programming 2022

To ensure alignment with EnDev’s strategy and targets as well as optimizing on additionality in line with advances in market development, EnDev performs regular portfolio reviews, which feed directly into the preparation of the programming of country activities.


Programme Identification and Formulation, M&E, Sector Studies

Training of Energy Auditors and Technical Designers (TEAD)

The overall objective of the project will be to contribute to the improvement of the quality of energy audits for all end users, including industries and SMEs by locally trained energy auditors. Energy audits will then be used by technical designers for the successful implementation of EE...


Capacity Building, Policy & Regulations

EU-India cooperation on ICT-related standardisation, policy and legislation

European standards bodies enjoy high international recognition for their technological expertise andlong experience in inclusive standard setting, and many global ICT standards are either based upon orstrongly influenced by European standards (e.g. GSM, LTE, DVB1).


Policy & Regulations, Capacity Building

EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility

The overall objective of the EU - Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility is to provide complementary support to the EU - Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme (SETP) and to the EU support to the energy sector in Viet Nam. The EU - Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition...


Sustainable Energy, Energy Transition

Energy Efficiency retrofitting in State-owned buildings in Melaka

This pilot project showcased large scale energy efficiency implementation and financing for the public sector in emerging markets. Nine buildings was selected for a pilot project to showcase large scale energy efficiency retrofitting of existing buildings.


Financing & Investment, ESCO, EPC

Technical Assistance to support the dialogue with European partners on a Strategic National Smart Grid Vision for the South African electricity industry

We provided technical assistance including energy policy dialogue and analysis to support European partners on a Strategic National Smart Grid Vision.


Final evaluation of the Philippines Sustainable Energy Finance Program

We led the final evaluation of the Philippines Sustainable Energy Finance Program (PHILS SEF II), which was initiated to support the creation of a commercial financing market for sustainable energy projects in the Philippines.


Monitoring and Evaluation, Sustainability

Consultancy Support for the Identification and Formulation Missions in the Field of Energy Efficiency/Sustainable Energy

We have performed a mapping of the activities of donors and multilateral actors, and description of donor coordination mechanisms.


Programme Identification and Formulation

Botswana EE Strategy

The objectives of this assignment is to recommend strategic actions which could be taken by the GoB to promote and sustain overall energy efficiency improvement.


Feasibility Study and the Preliminary Engineering Design for Photovoltaic Power Plant In Karimunjawa Archipelago, Jepara Regency, Central Java Province

Indonesia and Denmark are cooperating through an Environmental Support Programme, with the current third programme phase (ESP3) running from 2013 to 2017 (pilot projects to 2018). The overall ESP3 development objective is to support the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in reconciling economic growth...


Feasibility Study, Sector Studies, Environmental Assessment

Energy Efficiency Target Monitoring System

We are assisting the Department of Energy to develop and institutionalise a target monitoring and report system within the DOE. We implemented the target monitoring system in up to 45 local municipalities across the country.


The Danish Low Carbon Street

We analysed, optimised and designed the new Low Carbon conceptual masterplan for The Danish Low Carbon Street along with sustainability guidelines for sites, buildings and public transportation.


Technical Assistance for the Monitoring of the Energy Facility’s Projects Financed under the 10th EDF

We were requested by the European Commission to assist in the monitoring of contracts of the Energy Facility’s call for proposals. We supported the EU Delegations and ACP Secretariat in the monitoring of the over 100 projects financed under the Energy Facility.


Monitoring & Evaluation, Sector Studies

Technical Assistance to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme in Jordan – REEE

We helped the European Union facilitating the implementation of strategies that will enable Jordan to reach the medium and long term goals for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, with a special focus on the building sector.


Energy Management in Thinadhoo, Maldives

We developed an action plan for energy optimization of technical installations with the aim of reducing the electricity consumption in the building sector by 20% and in the public sector and private industry by 30 % before 2020.


Consultancy Services for the Identification and Development of CDM Projects for the Danish CDM Programme

We developed and maintained a living pipeline containing in the magnitude of 15 projects or 4 million CERs, to be contracted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 12 months taking due account of the priorities and price policy of the Danish CDM programme.


Programme Identification and Formulation

Institutional Strengthening of National Energy Management Committee in Energy Policy and Planning

We provided capacity development and technical assistance to strengthen the ability of the National Energy Management Committee (NEMC) to prepare policies and strategies in the energy sector.


Energy Conservation and Efficiency Improvement Consultancy

The assignment was to establish a plan for reducing electrical energy use in the residential sector by 20 % and in the business/government and industrial sector by 30 % by 2020 in Thinadhoo Island.


Consultancy Services for the Identification and Development of CDM Projects for the Danish CDM Programme

We developed and maintained a living pipeline containing in the magnitude of 15 projects or 4 million CER’s, which can be contracted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 12 months taking due account of the priorities and price policy of the Danish CDM programme.


Programme Identification and Formulation

EIB Energy Framework – Lots 4 and 5 – RE & EE

We assists the Projects Directorate 3 in particular the Energy Department in its wide range of activities and responsibilities. It included the technical, economic, financial, procurement, environmental and social appraisal.


Execution of Energy Efficiency Initiatives in 9 State-Owned Buildings in Melaka

The pilot project was to screen and analyse 9 State Buildings to demonstrate the ESCO-model for public buildings in practice.


Financing and Investment, ESCO/EPC

Consultancy Services for the Identification and Development of CDM Projects for the Danish CDM Programme

The assignment was to develop and maintain a living pipeline containing in the magnitude of 15 project, taking due account of the priorities and price policy of the Danish CDM programme.


Programme Identification and Formulation

Consulting Services for the Development of 3 Sustainable Solar Market Packages (SSMP)

We prepared detailed designs of 3 SSMP packages by undertaking a full market assessment for solar home systems and submission of a full feasibility report on the assessed districts


Demand Side Management Study for Armenia

The study was to assess the feasibility of introducing energy sector demand-side management (DSM) measures into its overall strategy of meeting current and projected demand.


Rwanda Renewable Energy Strategy Studies

We were requested to assist the Ministry of Infrastructure in developing a set of renewable energy strategies in order to ensure a long-term and sustainable contribution by renewable energy technologies to Rwanda’s energy balance.


Energy Auditor Training to Build Capacity of Service Providers (SPs)

We helped develop the capacity in Bangladesh and Nepal in the area of energy auditing, focusing on conducting energy auditors' trainings and preliminary audits in industries.


Development and implementation of Energy Management in the Ekurhuleni municipality, South Africa

The work we did included the development of energy management policies and strategies as well as organizational structures.


Consultancy services for Support to the Vietnamese National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme (VNEEP)

We provided assistance to Vietnam around a number of activities, which covered several areas, which are necessary to ensure that the Vietnamese National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme can be successfully implemented.


Preparation of Renewable Energy Development Roadmap

We developed a renewable energy development roadmap identifying economical and financially viable potential of renewable energy in Armenia, set up short, mid and long-term targets for development of renewable energy, and outlined specific steps of achieving these targets.


Teaching Energy Management in the Yunnan Province, China

The work included teaching and counselling of energy management measures, more specifically energy management strategies, -policies and organizational structures.


Energy Management at Bakrie University

We developed the strategy and the action plans for the implementation of energy management and we were in charge of designing the framework for an energy management organization, energy policies and guidelines for implementation and general use of energy management in the organization.


Design and implementation of Energy Management in Vietnam

We designed and implemented energy management, developed an energy management handbook and facilitated capacity building for staff.


Teaching Energy Management in Pretoria, South Africa

The tasks of the project included teaching and advising the involved parties in energy management, more specifically energy management strategies and policies and organizational development.


Harvard University Sustainability Plan - SDG Materiality Assessment

In collaboration with Harvard University’s Office for Sustainability, Danish Management (DM) conducted a piolet project that included a materiality assessment, aligning the University-wide Sustainability Plan with the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs).


Energy Efficiency Investment Opportunities in Africa (Ghana, Botswana and Zambia)

Our role in the assignment were to identify and prepare basic program designs, advise on policies and give advise on the design of a regional energy efficiency program.


Financing and Investment, Sector Studies

Contributions to state adoption and implementation of the Nigerian Building Energy Efficiency Code (BEEC) including energy auditing of public buildings

The Nigerian Building Energy Efficiency Code (BEEC) was developed in 2017.‍Through this project we support the Nigerian Ministry of Power, Works and Housing (Housing Sector) and at least three selected states on building energy efficiency implementation strategy.


Building EE Code, Policy & Regulations, ESCO and EPC

Advisory Services for a National Energy Efficiency Program in Oman on Government Buildings Energy Audits & Retrofits

We assist AER in establishing a five-year roll-out program to establish the ESCO market in Oman. We will recommend working models, provide guidelines for a well-planned program and provide support throughout the first phase of the program roll-out.


Financing and Investment, ESCO and EPC

Mid-Term Review of the Danish Energy Agency Energy Partnership Programme (DEPP), Phase II

The objective of the review is to assess the DEPP II in a way that enables possible course correction in the current phase and can serve as an input to the formulation of a possible next phase of the programme.


Programme Identification and Formulation, Policy & Regulations

Final Evaluation of the Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP Mekong) Programme, Phase II

The objective of the review is to assess the DEPP II in a way that enables possible course correction in the current phase and can serve as an input to the formulation of a possible next phase of the programme.


M&E, Sector Studies

EU for Climate Action in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood

The overall objective of the programme "Energy security and Climate action in the Southern Neighbourhood 2017-2018", which has been adopted by the European Commission in 2017 is to enhance energy security and adaptive capacity of partner countries while fostering their transition to low carbon...


Policy & Regulations, Financing & Investment

Design & Tender Docs S-E Electrification

The global objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is to stimulate socio-economic development and reduce poverty by providing rural electrification in the South East of Liberia.


Feel free to contact us here:

Louise Gadeberg-Larsen 6167 3760