The Government of the Republic of Mali has requested Danida Business Finance (DBF) for the financing of the project to connect the industrial and mining units in the Kayes region on the interconnected power grid. The Kayes region in the south-western part of Mali has a vast potential for development, including mining and industry. The overall objective of the feasibility study mission is to establish a basis for a decision by Danida Business Finance to support the project through DBF financing.
The immediate objectives are including a description and assessment of the project's adequacy with Danish policies including the framework principles for Danida Business Finance (as of April 201ó) and its suitability for financing by Danida Business Finance, description and assessment of the project's adequacy with Danida's country programme, description and assessment of the project's adequacy with the policies of the Government of Mali and the national development plan, description and assessment of sustainability aspects according to i) UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDOs, ii) IFC Performance Standards for Environmental and Social Accountability, iii) UN Business and Human Rights Guidelines, iv) FIDIC Sustainable Development (Project Sustainability Management), v) ISO Life-cycle Costing, description and assessment of issues raised in the Concept Note and by the Danida Programme Committee (Minutes), detailed description of the Project for the connection of the industrial and mining units of the Kayes area to the interconnected electricity grid, proposed for financing via a DBF financing or, alternatively, identification and description of a revised and appropriate project component for a DBF financing.
The services we provided for this assignment were focused on the main objective of the mission that is to establish the basis for decision making for Danida Business Finance in the form of a feasibility study and an evaluation of the project. The results of the two exercises will be four (4) deliverables: A mission report note, a feasibility study report, a sustainable development logbook (CBDD), a Project Document.