The global objective of the assignment is to support the formulation of a regional initiative in West Africa to support and boost sustainable regional ocean governance and management. The specific objective of this assignment is to prepare all the necessary elements of a draft Action Document (AD) to implement a programme on ocean governance, sustainable blue economy, and conservation/restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems in West Africa.
The assignment required a situational analysis of environmental, social, and economic sustainability issues, strategic orientations considering political frameworks and ownership, priority interventions and priority areas, key stakeholders and their capacities, gender aspects and ongoing projects; This analysis should focus in particular on: i) Ocean governance and Research, ii) Sustainable Blue Economy including Integrated Coastal Zones Management and Green infrastructures and iii) Conservation and restoration of oceans and coastal ecosystems, list of proposals for i) possible actions (avoiding overlaps and building synergies with other existing and foreseen projects in the region, sub-regions and countries); ii) potential implementing partners; iii) possible implementation modalities; iv) governance and steering of the programme. In line with the NDICI guidelines for programming, the proposals shall be guided by EU strategic policy objectives, bear in mind subsidiarity and complementarity, and apply an eco-system and human rights-based approach, and formulation of a draft Action Document4 for new action on Regional Ocean Governance and Blue Economy initiative for West Africa (The Gulf of Guinea/Atlantic Façade)
This assignment was accomplished through a comprehensive literature review including the latest ECOWAS policies, and RFB related-documents /brief stakeholder mapping,field missions and video conferences in some of the Gulf of Guinea ECOWAS Member States (Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal, open to other beneficiary countries if relevant); and meetings with the Regional Fisheries Bodies: FCWC and the SRFC briefing, interim meetings and debriefing with EUDs and INTPA HQ, EEAS and another relevant line DGs, consultation meetings with stakeholders/ (specific global and regional institutions such as west African non-state actors-WANSAFA), national authorities and agencies and potential beneficiaries. For this assignment we provided Inception Report, Interim Report, Draft Final Report, and Final Report at the end of the assignment.