Energising Development (EnDev) Phase Out Country Study - Indonesia Exit Evaluation

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Monitoring, Evaluation and Verification Manual Development

GIZ's energy projects in Ethiopia supports the improvement of access to modern energy services in Ethiopia. The EnDev Global Partnership, which is currently financed by six donor countries: the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden is among the largest projects...

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2020 - 2021

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Etude de faisabilité pour le projet de lignes de transport de la région de Kayes, Mali

The Government of the Republic of Mali has requested Danida Business Finance (DBF) for the financing of the project to connect the industrial and mining units in the Kayes region on the interconnected power grid. The Kayes region in the south-western part of Mali has a vast potential for...

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2020 - 2021

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Multi Study Agreement for the EnDev Phase Out Country (POC): Exit and Ex-Post

In the period 2019-2020 EnDev activities in seven countries were (partially) phased out. These countries included Central America (region), Peru, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Indonesia, Cambodia and Vietnam. In order to assess sector development and the sustainability of its interventions, EnDev...

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