Final Evaluation of the Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP Mekong) Programme, Phase II

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Review EnDev Monitoring Correction Factors

The objective of this assignment was to develop a standardized methodology/approach for EnDev to determine country- and technology specific values for each of these three factors (Additionality, Attribution and Sustainability) at higher aggregated level, and for all three factors to see if Energy...

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2021 - 2022

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Technical Assistance for the Monitoring of the Energy Facility’s Projects Financed under the 10th EDF

We were requested by the European Commission to assist in the monitoring of contracts of the Energy Facility’s call for proposals. We supported the EU Delegations and ACP Secretariat in the monitoring of the over 100 projects financed under the Energy Facility.

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ACP Region (Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific countries)

2011 - 2019

Energy Facility,Monitoring & Evaluation

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Energy Facility,Monitoring & Evaluation

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Final evaluation of three institutional cooperation (ICI) projects in Vietnam

The main rationale of this evaluation was to provide objective information to the MFA about the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of three ICI projects, and to give guidance on the use of this instrument in the transition phase in Vietnam from bilateral development cooperation to wider...

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